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Yes, believe it or not , “CHRISTRUMP’ is a real book and available now on Amazon for $27.25. (free delivery)

But . . . maybe not.

Although . . . if you go to the Amazon site, at least in the Canadian version, there actually 'is' a book with this cover along with a review (which has nothing to do with Donald Trump). If you are curious, here's the link:

Regardless of who it's about, we are now literally watching the Trump religious cult metastasizing across America in real time. I concur with who ever wrote it, that “It seems we’ve entered a vortex into some alternate dimension where satire becomes reality, but in a dystopian way.”

This includes the Tradwife Movement, and I think we all know how that story is going to unfold.

Check out this from John Fea of CURRENT (July 12, 2023) . . .

"I’ve heard about this kind of extreme complementarianism, but I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed it quite like this. Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries appears to embrace some mix of Seven Mountain Dominionism, theonomism, and Christian Recontructionism. He is also the pastor of Covenent Bible Church. This pastor won’t let his wife read unless he approves of her reading material."

If you are an American, now might be a good time to remind yourself that it’s the Evangelical Christian Republicans who are behind the Tradwife Movement, the initiatives to deliver women’s rights 75 years into the past, and book bans that include ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, the one they don’t want your daughters to read.

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